Oral Piercings
(Service Prices Below DO NOT Include Jewelry)

Cheek Dimples - Dimples are often considered attractive facial characteristics, and some people wish to enhance natural indentations or create dimples via piercing. Unfortunately, that region of the face contains a host of significant structures, including blood vessels, nerves, and the parotid duct (a conduit for a component in saliva). Piercing into any of these can be disastrous. If abandoned, this piercing can cause permanent scars and excessive dimpling of the skin. Most commonly performed in 14ga. If seriously considering this piercing, Google Elayne Angel’s “The Worst Piercing Story”
Healing Time: 9-12+ months
Price: $69ea
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Lip-Ashley - Appears as a single piercing on the center of the lower lip. Most commonly performed at 16 or 14ga. It is similar to the vertical labret piercing, as it is technically called an inverse vertical labret piercing or vermillion. The exit of this piercing appears inside the mouth rather than below the lip like the vertical labret, which offers a single-pierced look.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Lip-Center/Side (Labret) - Labret Piercing, most commonly performed with a flatback labret stud or ring-style in 16 through 12 gauge, depending on placement and jewelry style. The smaller sizes are most common. This is a site that swells and must have longer jewelry to allow for swelling, rings should be one diameter larger than the size that will be worn in the healed piercing. The term “Labret” is derived from the Latin word labrum, meaning “lip.” Any piercing surrounding the mouth can be considered labret (when performed with a flatback), though some use the term to denote only the placement centered beneath the bottom lip. There is a maximum distance from the orifice that can reasonably be pierced because the tissue connects to the gums.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Monroe - Upper Lip Side Placement: Beauty Mark, Monroe, or Madonna. Initial jewelry is most commonly a labret stud in 16 or 14 gauge. This glamorous piercing is a beauty mark worn off to one side above the upper lip. It is often embellished with a sparkling jewel. The names derive from the legendary ladies known for an unpierced version near their own mouths.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Philtrum - Upper Lip Placement This style is placed toward the corner of the mouth, normally 5⁄16 to ½ inch above the vermillion border. Initial jewelry is usually a labret stud in 16 or 14 gauge. This ornament is intended as a lip enhancement, but some practitioners place them closer to the nose. While piercings often work best in the natural creases of the body, an upper lip piercing that sits in the nasolabial fold (smile line) is much more difficult to heal. Your piercer should take great care to see that the angle is neutral when your face is at rest and consider how the area changes with different facial movements. On some anatomy, the gums join the lip relatively low; a spot that seems reasonable on the outside sometimes sits above your gumline inside. If your piercer is not meticulous and skillful, your jewelry could end up at an awkward angle that is difficult or impossible to heal, and potentially damaging to your teeth and gums
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Tongue - Straight barbell Initial jewelry gauge: Most commonly performed in 14 and 12 gauge. Bar length is anatomically dependent and must be long enough to allow for swelling ( most commonly (¾-⅞”). The tongue is a unique body part because it is situated inside the mouth—the tool with which we express ourselves, a center for sensuality, and the way we ingest our sustenance. A tongue piercing can be private or public, and it can be fun alone or with a friend. If asked whether tongue piercing is erotic, some piercees would say, “Yes, absolutely!” but an equal number would earnestly respond, “Certainly not.” None of these people would be insincere; they simply differ in their perspectives. A tongue piercing is what you make of it. For some, it is merely an ornament; for others, it is a useful sensual device. The wearing of tongue jewelry will not magically transform you into an oral virtuoso, but it will provide you with an additional tool, should you desire to use it.
Healing Time: 3-4 months
Price: $69ea
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Web-Smiley & Frowny - Smiley/Scrumper and Frowny/Smiley are both names for a piercing of the upper and lower frenulum that attaches the center of the lip to the gums. Most people have only a tiny web of flesh there that is insufficient to support a sturdy piercing. Migration and rejection are obvious risks. The proximity of jewelry to the teeth and gums can lead to irritation and erosion. For the same reasons, the frowny (piercing of the lower lip frenulum) is also questionable.
Healing Time: 1-2 months
Price: $69ea
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Web-Tongue - The Lingual Frenulum Piercing is a piercing of the web under the tongue. It is not a viable option for people who do not possess sufficiently pronounced anatomy and superb tongue control for the procedure. Those who are well enough endowed usually wear a small 16-gauge ring or curved bar (¼ - ⅜”). The piercing should be through the base of the web, but it must not be placed deep into the sublingual (under the tongue) tissues. Vital structures and vessels are there, including the sublingual veins and a pair of sublingual salivary glands. You must be able to cooperate by lifting your tongue and holding it still for the procedure. When placed correctly in suitable anatomy, this piercing usually heals quickly and easily.
Healing Time: 1-2 months
Price: $69ea
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