Oral Piercings

(Service Prices Below DO NOT Include Jewelry)

Information inspired from The Piercing Bible by Elayne Angel

Adapted Illustrations by Jennifer Klepacki, from The Piercing Bible by Elayne Angel

Cheek Dimples - Cheek Dimple piercing is a facial piercing that some people seek to enhance their natural dimples or create artificial ones. However, the area contains important structures like blood vessels, nerves, and the parotid duct (a channel for saliva), making it risky. Piercing these structures can lead to complications, and if the piercing is abandoned, it may cause permanent scarring and excessive dimpling. Typically done with 14 gauge jewelry, this piercing carries significant risks, and if you're seriously considering it, it's recommended to research Elayne Angel's "The Worst Piercing Story" for cautionary insight.
Healing Time: 9-12+ months
Price: $69ea

Lip-Ashley - Lip-Ashley piercing appears as a single piercing on the center of the lower lip. Most commonly performed at 16 or 14ga. It is similar to the vertical labret piercing, as it is technically called an inverse vertical labret piercing or vermillion. The exit of this piercing appears inside the mouth rather than below the lip like the vertical labret, which offers a single-pierced look.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Lip-Center/Side (Labret) - The Labret piercing is typically placed just below the bottom lip and can be done with either a flatback labret stud or a ring, commonly in 16 to 12 gauge, depending on the placement and type of jewelry. Smaller gauges are most frequently used. Because the piercing site is prone to swelling, longer jewelry is required during the healing process to accommodate this. For ring style jewelry, it must be one size larger in diameter than what will be worn once healed. The piercing can only go a certain distance away from the lip due to the tissue's connection to the gums.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Lip-Monroe/Madonna - The upper side lip placement is commonly referred to as a beauty mark, Monroe, or Madonna piercing, depending on its location. The piercing is typically placed just above the upper lip to one side and is often adorned with a sparkling jewel. The initial jewelry used is typically a labret stud, usually in 16 or 14 gauge. These names are inspired by iconic figures like Marilyn Monroe and Madonna, who were known for their beauty marks in similar positions on their faces, even though they didn’t have piercings.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
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Lip-Philtrum - he Philtrum piercing is positioned above the center (cupids bow) of the upper lip. Often called a Medusa. The initial jewelry is a flatback labret stud, often in 16 or 14 gauge. While this piercing is meant to enhance the lips, some piercers may place it closer to the nose, though this can be less common.
Healing Time: 3-6 months
Price: $69ea
Shop for Lip Jewelry

Tongue - The Tongue piercing is most commonly performed with a straight barbell, typically in 14 or 12 gauge. The bar length is anatomically dependent but must accommodate swelling during the healing process. It is highly recommended to downsize the initial barbell length to avoid damage to the teeth and gums once the initial swelling has subsided. The tongue is a unique body part for piercing because it plays a central role in expression, sensuality, and nourishment.
Healing Time: 3-4 months
Price: $69ea
Shop for Tongue Jewelry

Smiley/Frowny - The Smiley and Frowny piercings are placed through the frenulum, the thin strip of tissue that attaches the upper or lower lip to the gums. The Smiley piercing is located in the upper frenulum, and the Frowny piercing is placed in the lower frenulum. Many people have only a small web of flesh in this area, which may not be thick enough to support a stable piercing. Migration and rejection are significant risks for both piercings, due to the lack of sufficient tissue to anchor the jewelry. Additionally, because the jewelry is so close to the teeth and gums, irritation, erosion, or even damage to these areas can occur, especially if the jewelry moves or rubs against them. Given these potential complications, the Smiley and Frowny piercings are often seen as high-risk placements and require careful consideration before being performed.
Healing Time: 1-2 months
Price: $69ea

Web-Tongue - The Tongue Web (Lingual Frenulum) piercing is placed through the web of tissue under the tongue, specifically in the frenulum, which connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This piercing is not suitable for everyone and only on individuals with a pronounced enough frenulum and those able to lift and hold their tongue steady during the procedure. The piercing is typically done with a small 16-gauge ring or curved bar.
Healing Time: 1-2 months
Price: $69ea